Mark Knight

Mark Knight, the author of Trinity of Wisdom: Truth, Philosophy, and Hermetic Alchemical Qabalah, is our guest in podcast episode 102.

“Throughout history secrets have been preserved regarding the human condition, energy, consciousness, history and religion. After his groundbreaking book, Wayki Wayki, Mark Knight’s quest for truth continued. This led to a mystery school in the volcanic regions of Mesoamerica. Here, Mark went through the theory and practice of Hermetic Alchemical Qabalah before entering a 55 day silent fast – where the depths of the unwritten Qabalah came alive and sent him into a “mystical spin.” After this process, he was chosen to meet a Hermetic Scientist where he was taught an ancient 100 day Merkabah process using the Emerald Tablet as a guide.”

Trinity of Wisdom by Mark Knight

Mark is a mystic and has had a remarkable series of journeys and initiations all over the world. He begins the interview by describing his path and inspiration to write the book. During our conversation he talks about various sections including conspiracies and mind control, awareness and awakening, Hermetic Alchemical Qabalah and its practical relevance, the Hebrew alphabet, energy work and vibrational frequency, entheogens and shamanism, and religion and esotericism from a historical perspective. We cover a lot of ground in this wide-ranging and thought-provoking interview!

Tree of Life

Trinity of Wisdom: Truth, Philosophy, and Hermetic Alchemical Qabalah by Mark Knight is a very unique book, in my opinion, because it’s an elegant combination of the story of his own spiritual journey along with the theory and structured practice that accompanied him, all presented  in an very readable manner. The breadth of material is astonishing and revealing, yet not overwhelming. The book is filled with spectacular illustrations contributed by over 100 artists. Several of the subjects covered are not likely to be found in other books and I also think it may represent one of the more comprehensive Western esoteric spiritual practices than I’ve encountered in print. Mark has really written a wonderfully updated and modern book on Hermetic Alchemical Qabalah that is also very personal. I recommend it!

Atalanta Fugiens emblem 14

In the Occult of Personality Membership Section, Mark Knight shares some of his experience with Merkabah mysticism, the unwritten Qabalah, his interpretation of future changes in the world, and much more. Join us for that fascinating interview!

Wayki Wayki – Mark Knight‘s blog

Trinity of Wisdom: Truth, Philosophy, and Hermetic Alchemical Qabalah by Mark Knight

Physical Story of ToW (Trinity of Wisdom) by Mark Knight

Emerald Tablet of Hermes

Wayki Wayki – the book by Mark Knight

intro music by HipGnosis and Paul Avgerinos – “Awakening

outro music by Sol Surfers – “Sacred Moon’s Light”

{ 9 comments… add one }
  • AB April 7, 2011, 10:53 AM

    One was hopeful that you had unearthed a son of the doctrine, but one did not get the sense that the interviewee knew anything whatever of qabalah or alchemy. With respect to the spiritual experience he related about 3/4 of the way through interview, I think it was notable that, whether one terms his experience drug-induced, or sacred-shamanic-plant-induced, the result was the same: he was promptly ushered out of the company of sages.

    But, to be fair, the limited time frame of an interview probably doesn’t really give a true sense of him. For me, it was a case of operum fastigia spectantur, latent fundamenta. One could see his lofty spire above the clouds, but one was not sure that beneath it there was a building with a door. So, I will read all of his blog and, at least, his second book.

    I am not a conspiracy theorist, myself, but agree that there is much to be done. I highlight, however, that
    there is nothing — absolutely nothing — in either cosmological creation or alchemical transmutation, that does not begin with a necessary misery and sourness. Look at our emblem of first-signed Aries and alchemical calcination, which our cantish doctrine calls DIMOM (backwards, of course). What could be plainer? Our Empress is pregnant with a seed of light drawn from the foulest waters.

    “All is Upward and Onward, in spite of all seemingly contradictory appearances. Such is the Message of the Illumined.” — The Kybalion

    • rochester92 April 10, 2011, 11:14 AM

      AB – Thank you for your thoughtful commentary!

      This podcast endeavors to provide enough information for listeners to make up their own minds by investigating further, as you indicate, or not. I think it is remarkable that Mark’s book includes very personal reflections on the practice which he underwent and the circumstances which led him there. I also believe that it is possible to learn valuable lessons, even from those we don’t believe to be adepts. I do want to mention that Mark struck me as genuine and earnest in his desire to share his own experiences and what he learned from them, unlike some guests on this show (who shall remain nameless). Finally, I agree completely with your comments about misery in this world and very much appreciate the way in which you express yourself.

      • AB April 10, 2011, 8:15 PM

        My heartfelt thanks to you, Greg, for providing such an excellent service.

        As for Mark, I hope very much, indeed, to correspond with him.

        • rochester92 April 16, 2011, 9:42 AM

          You’re most welcome! It is my pleasure and privilege.

      • AB April 14, 2011, 6:06 AM

        I’ve now read the whole of the second book, and so amend. One’s initial hopefulness is justifiable. His experiences are clearly in line with the Great Art, and any alchemist would recognize it. Hence, more valuable than the writings of the modern souffleurs who would convince us that the way lies in the recombinatory chemistry of vegetable tinctures. Chi-ching. $.02

        • rochester92 April 16, 2011, 9:45 AM

          AB – While I find it gratifying that we agree to some extent about Mark’s work, it is infinitely more gratifying that you listened to the show, asked difficult questions, followed up by investigating, then shared your results with us. Thank you!

  • NF April 20, 2011, 10:17 PM

    All in all a very good interview. Greg I must say, your mastery of your guests material and works is very impressive. Your facilitation of discussion was at its best in this interview. Thanks for your work.

    • rochester92 April 29, 2011, 1:03 PM

      Thanks NF! You’re most welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂

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