Nicki Scully

Internationally renowned healer and author Nicki Scully is our guest in podcast episode 149.

Planetary Healing by Nicki Scully and Mark Hallert

“Nicki Scully has been teaching healing, shamanic arts, and the Egyptian Mysteries since 1983. During her first visit to Egypt with the Grateful Dead in 1978, Nicki experienced an epiphany that transformed her life. She deepened her focus on healing and began delving into the hidden shamanic arts of Egypt. She is now a lineage holder in the Hermetic tradition of Thoth, her teacher and mentor. With Thoth she developed Alchemical Healing, a comprehensive healing form that is practiced by thousands of practitioners internationally. In the late ’80s, Nicki founded Shamanic Journeys, Ltd., and continues to guide inner journeys and spiritual pilgrimages to Egypt and other sacred sites. Nicki lives in Eugene, OR, where she maintains a healing and shamanic consulting practice. Nicki’s newest published work is Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation co-authored with Mark Hallert. In 2010, she created a seven CD audio program, Becoming An Oracle, Connecting with the Divine Source for Information and Healing. Her most recent books are The Anubis Oracle, A Journey into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, and Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart, both co-authored with Linda Star Wolf. She is the author of Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine, and Power Animal Meditations, Shamanic Journeys with Your Spirit Allies.”

Nicki Scully & Thoth

“Healing is by nature an alchemical process. With clear intention and resolve, we learn to use our adversarial situations to help us grow spiritually, emotionally, and even physically, which opens up a myriad of possibilities regarding how we choose to live our lives and how we relate to one another and the world. All people have inherent healing abilities that, for the most part, are not recognized or acknowledged in modern western cultures. Although our population has burgeoned since the industrial revolution and the advent of modern medical technology, many of the simple, effective, and free or easily affordable cures have been lost and largely forgotten… Regardless of our race or where we came from, most of us have been cut off from the wisdom of our ancestors for so long that we need help to remember ourselves… Within us dwell all the memories of our ancestors, and the ability to more fully comprehend new mysteries bursting forth from our unfolding universe. We are all mystics and sages waiting to remember what we’ve misplaced or forgotten.”

Alchemical Healing by Nicki Scully

Alchemical Healing brings together innovative techniques of shamanism and energetic healing with the principles of alchemy, creating a practical form of physical healing, therapeutic counseling, and spiritual growth. The author provides ways to integrate spirit and matter, to develop communications between divinity and humanity, to retrieve knowledge, and to influence physical reality in order to achieve healing and transformation…”

Becoming an Oracle by Nicki Scully

“Underlying her work is the pledge to help in the healing of Mother Earth through recognition and honoring of All Our Relations. Nicki strives to fulfill her commitment by assisting others to recognize their inherent wisdom and power.”

Shamanic Mysteries of Ancient Egypt by Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf

In the Occult of Personality Membership Section, Nicki Scully guides a brief healing meditation. Membership provides access to a tremendous archive of exclusive content for a low monthly fee while supporting the production and distribution of the podcast. Please consider subscribing if you haven’t already.

Shamanic Journeys – Nicki Scully’s web site

Hathor’s Mirror

Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine by Nicki Scully

Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation by Nicki Scully and Mark Hallert

Becoming An Oracle, Connecting with the Divine Source for Information and Healing by Nicki Scully

The Anubis Oracle, A Journey into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt and Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart by Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf

Power Animal Meditations, Shamanic Journeys with Your Spirit Allies by Nicki Scully

Normandi Ellis

intro music by HipGnosis and Paul Avgerinos

outro music – “Alchemy” by Ray Montford

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