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In podcast episode 84, Dr. Paul Clark, Steward of the Fraternity of the Hidden Light, returns to the show. He joined us previously in podcasts 46 and 66.
Dr. Clark begins the interview by explaining thaumaturgy, or “miracle-making,” and theurgy, or “divine-working.” From there we explore the Qabalistic concept of the four worlds. Last, Dr. Clark shares his thoughts about the work of the Fraternity of the Hidden Light, including the Declaratio Lucis.
Be sure to check out Dr. Clark’s excellent new book, “Personal Fulfillment and the Laws of Consciousness.”
In the Occult of Personality Membership Section, Dr. Clark explains the Rosicrucian grades of Adeptus Minor, Adeptus Major, and Exempt Adept.
Fraternity of the Hidden Light
“Podcast 46 – Fraternity of the Hidden Light’s Steward, Dr. Paul Clark”
“Personal Fulfillment and the Laws of Consciousness” by Paul A. Clark
“The Broken Seal and Other Cases” by Paul A. Clark
You are the most interesting person I know. So happy to know you and to have been taught just a little by you. Bless you, Paul.
To Occult of Personality,
WHERE is Dr. Paul Clark? I heard that he left the F.L.O.! What is he doing now? Is he forming a new order? What is his contact information? Is he having any classes or rituals in the Los Angeles area?-SHARK TANK/[email protected] .