Originally published on November 27, 2008
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David Goddard joins us in this episode to discuss some of his work. David is one of the founders of Rising Phoenix Foundation, a school dedicated to “transmitting western esoteric wisdom.” He has also written several texts, including, “The Sacred Magic of the Angels.”
Our conversation begins as David describes the reason why these teachings, only taught to high initiates in the past, are now available openly due to the perilous times in which we live. He reviews the origins of Angelic magic in ancient Egypt and Babylon. Part of the same tradition as the Book of Enoch, this system has been passed down from antiquity. We then discuss the Great Work of Alchemy rather extensively, a subject brilliantly exposed in theory and practice in David’s book, “The Tower of Alchemy: An Advanced Guide to the Great Work.”
David reviews the true meaning of the Royal Art of Alchemy, the relationship of Alchemy and Qabalah, and the meaning of the Emerald Tablet. Then we discuss the relationship between eastern and western religion and esoterica and the concept of a world spiritual tradition. Finally, we talk about the Work of Rising Phoenix Foundation.
“I sustain creation
In the midst of a perpetual ebb and flow.
Therefore do I assume the appearance of a refiner’s fire,
Forever purging out the dross of forms outworn.
This is mine aspect of Severity,
And of this it is written,
“Tetragrammaton Elohim is a devouring fire.”Thus am I as one who testeth gold in a furnace,
And this aspect of my being
Presenteth to the unrighteous
A face of wrath.Yet by the purgation of fire
Do I uphold and sustain thee
In every moment of thy life.For when thou hast been tried as by fire,
The gold of thy Beauty shall be purged of all dross
… and … shalt thou behold
The Shining One
Who is thine own true Self.”– excerpted from “The Meditation on Samekh” in “The Book of Tokens”
“The Sacred Magic of the Angels” by David Goddard
“The Tower of Alchemy: An Advanced Guide to the Great Work” by David Goddard
“Tree of Sapphires: Enlightened Qabalah” by David Goddard
“The Book of Enoch” tr. by R.H. Charles
“Metatron: Angel Prince, Enoch Transformed” and “Metatron: Anomalous Angel of the Countenance” by Geoffrey Dennis
“Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite” Wikipedia entry
“Saint Denis” Wikipedia entry
intro music by HipGnosis
Greg, great work — good interviews, good site. Thanks for doing what you do.
You’re most welcome W, it’s all a labor of love. Thank you for listening and taking the time to comment. I appreciate it 🙂