Podcast 56 – Weathering the Storm with Aeolus Kephas

Originally published on February 10, 2009

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Our guest in this episode is writer, podcaster, philosopher and more – Aeolus Kephas. He is the author of “The Lucid View: Investigations in Occultism, UFOlogy, and Paranoid Awareness.”

Aeolus’ blog is called “This Is Not It” and he produced an excellent podcast called Stormy Weather. Billed as “News From the Front Line in the End Times,” his work deals with areas of research that test, or even violate the limits of consensus reality. Our conversation begins as Aeolus describes his work and how he approaches these subjects.

Stormy Weather

We discuss philosophies of consciousness and how researching these topics affects our understanding of them. The dialogue also delves into conspiranoid awareness, parapolitics, UFO’s, and the trickster aspect present in our perception of these things. We relate the ideas exposed here to classical systems of Qabalah and Tarot. Lastly, he defines the meaning of the name Aeolus Kephas.


Ultimately, the study of these subjects may teach us more about ourselves than anything else. Aeolus is a master of dissecting human perception and reaction to the paranormal. His work elucidates elements of consciousness in a way that is not common. I find what he has to say interesting and his approach to be refreshing. What do you think?

relevant links:

This Is Not It – AK’s blog, formerly entitled “Stormy Weather”

Stormy Weather podcast

The Lucid View: Investigations in Occultism, UFOlogy, and Paranoid Awareness” by Aeolus Kephas

intro music by HipGnosis

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